Interplay of Shadows, Light, and Color Across All Mediums

This opportunity invites brilliant artists globally to express their artistic definitions of the Interplay of shadow, light, and color, in every possible form, shape, and composition, from human figures to wildlife and animal poses.

All artists are welcome to submit their artwork from anywhere in the world.

Selected artworks will be exhibited in an international smart online group exhibition organized by Palm Gallery

Other awards include a life-long permanent link to boost artists’ online visibility and SEO, intensive exposure for selected artists to showcase their artworks, ratings, and comments from art enthusiasts, experts, and potential buyers.

Submitting to this artist call is $30  for three Artworks, with the possibility to add another six for $45.


We invite you to experience “Interplay of Shadows, Light, and Color,” an evocative art show that delves into the fundamental elements that shape our visual perception and emotional response. This exhibition spans multiple mediums, offering a unique journey through the artistic manipulation of shadows, light, and color across painting, photography, sculpture, digital art, and mixed media. By immersing visitors in a world where these elements interact dynamically, the exhibition aims to deepen our understanding and appreciation of how artists bring their visions to life.


“Interplay of Shadows, Light, and Color” is a thematic exhibition that highlights the essential roles these elements play across various art forms. Through a carefully curated selection of works, the show explores how artists harness shadows to create depth and mystery, light to animate scenes and forms, and color to evoke powerful emotions and moods. By showcasing a diverse range of mediums, we aim to reveal the shared techniques and distinct approaches within each form, providing a holistic view of artistic creativity.

Overall Experience:

Visitors will watch a gallery where diverse art forms are thoughtfully arranged to highlight the thematic connections between them. Each piece is selected to demonstrate how shadows, light, and color are utilized across different mediums to create depth, tell stories, and elicit emotions. The exhibition aims to foster a deeper appreciation for these elements and their interplay, encouraging visitors to see and feel the world in new and profound ways.

Target Audience

Art enthusiasts, collectors, and anyone interested in the profound impact of visual elements in art. This show is designed to appeal to a broad audience, from seasoned art collectors to art lovers

Join Us:

We are confident that your participation will greatly enhance the exhibition and provide you with invaluable exposure and opportunities. We would be honored to feature your work and look forward to the possibility of collaborating with you on this exciting project.

International Group Exhibition

**Selected Artworks**: The chosen pieces will be showcased in an elegant online international group exhibition hosted by Palm Art Gallery, running from `October 15, 2024, to November 15, 2024.

**Artwork Sales**: Selected artworks will be available for purchase through the exhibition’s online link

**Life-long Links**: Exhibition links and artist pages will remain active indefinitely, enhancing the online visibility and SEO of the selected artists. The buy button will be removed if the artwork is sold somewhere else.

FREE ACCESS TO OUR AUCTION PAGE. You choose duration, start price, and reserve!
How to submit your art:

Artwork compelling description

Artist Profile Page
Each artist receives a free online profile page on Palm platform.

Instagram promotion to boost sales

Event Details

Duration: October 15, 2024, to November 15, 2024.

Number of Artworks: 3 – 9

Artist Eligibility: Open to all visual artists worldwide.

Artwork Eligibility:

Categories: Original artworks in 2D and 3D media, including painting, drawing, illustration, printmaking, photography, digital art, and mixed media.

Styles: All styles are accepted, including abstract and representational.

Size: No size limit.

Creation Year: No limit,

Originality: Artworks must be entirely the entrant’s work without supervision. No copies or derivatives of other works.

Rights: Artists must have all rights to present and publish their artworks internationally.

Photo Requirements: Only the artwork should be visible (no frames or extraneous backgrounds). High-resolution photos may be requested.

Number of Artworks: Up to 9 original pieces can be submitted. A maximum of 2 pieces per artist may be selected.

Other Restrictions: Artworks containing pornographic, violent, racist, or religiously hateful content are not admissible.

Fees and Guarantees

Submission Fee: $30

Selection Fee: Free

Moneyback Guarantee: A moneyback guarantee is provided for all selection fee payments.

Artist Requirements

 Artist Data

– Photo

– Full Name

– City and Country of Residence

– Phone

– Email

– Social Media Links (optional)

– Website (optional)

– Biography (optional)

– Artist Statement (optional)

Artwork Data:

– Title

– Category

– Technique

– Creation Year

– Size (Width x Height x Depth) in cm or inches

– Description

– Price in USD

– Photo Specs: JPG, RGB, 300 DPI, min. 1000 pixels wide or tall, max. 2MB file size, named as Artist’s first and last name-Artwork

Terms and Conditions

Submission: Artists must submit any collection of their artworks. Approval is required.

Information: Artists must provide genuine and accurate information and inform the organizer of any changes.

Language: All communications will be in English. In case of discrepancies, the English version will prevail.

Artwork Availability: Artworks must be available for the show’s duration unless otherwise informed in advance. Not-for-sale artworks are not accepted.

Originality: All artworks must be original and created without supervision. No copies or derivatives of other works.

Copyrights: Artists retain copyrights but grant the organizer permission to use their personal and artwork images and data for promotional purposes.

Pricing: Artists are responsible for setting a price for each artwork. Not-for-sale artworks are not accepted.

Selection: Artworks will be reviewed and selected based on the criteria mentioned.

Announcement: Artists will be notified of their selection.

Commissions: 30 % commission on sales.

Sales Money Transfer: Artists must provide a PayPal account for sales transfers or allow the organizer to handle payments on their behalf.

Fees: All fees are non-refundable.

Communication: All communication will be via the Palm Art Gallery portal and the artist’s email.

Exclusivity: This opportunity is non-exclusive, and artists can work with other entities.

Continuity: The organizer will do their best to run this opportunity but does not guarantee exposure or sales and is not responsible for any damages claimed.

Termination: Artists can terminate participation with 2 weeks’ notice. The organizer can stop the opportunity if there is no communication for over a month.

Discrepancies: Artists are responsible for resolving third-party complaints.

Indemnification: Artists agree to indemnify and hold the organizer, Palm Art Gallery, and its employees harmless from any claims arising from their breach of terms or violations of law.

Other: All Palm Art Gallery Terms of Service and Privacy Policy apply.

Please let us know if you are interested in participating or if you have any questions. We would be delighted to discuss this opportunity further and provide any additional information you may need.

Thank you for considering our invitation. We hope to welcome you to “Interplay of Shadows, Light, and Color” and look forward to celebrating your incredible talent.